10 Group Cosplays To Try With Your Friends

Cosplaying can be fun whether you do it alone or with a friend. But group cosplays can be some of the most enjoyable cosplaying experiences you’ll have. Not only do group cosplays make your costume more recognizable, but they also allow you to be a little less perfect in your costume construction.
When you’re a lone cosplayer, you sometime need every detail of the costume for people to recognize it. But when you’re in a group, you have other characters around you to help give recognition to your own. So if all the costumes are little on the “casual” side, people are still going to recognize you as a group.
Plus you’ll be hanging out with a group of your friends if you do a group cosplay; what could be more fun than that? So here are 10 groups that make great group cosplays to try.
The Avengers or The justice League

Obviously The Avengers and Justice League are pretty recognizable characters in their own right. When you cosplay them as a group, however, you basically become rock stars at a convention. The costumes don’t have to be perfect, as the groups are instantly recognizable. And with all the movies in recent years, even non-comic books fans will be able to recognize you with ease in a group cosplay. (Check out my Marvel and DC Costume tutorials if you want to make your own).
Power Rangers
While some of the more recent incarnations of the Power Rangers might not be recognized by those outside of the fandom, the originals certainly will be. The rainbow of identical, slightly corny suits with bring back fond childhood memories for anyone who was immersed in the fandom. As as my brother will attest, running around shouting “it’s morphing time” will be enjoyed by everyone in the group.
Star Wars or Star Trek
Easily one of the most recognized fandoms in the world, Star Wars provides an almost unending choice of characters to cosplay. As long as at least a couple people in your group are the some of the main characters, you can include some of the most obscure characters in the fandom and still be easily recognized as a group. In the same vein, you don’t have to be a Trekki to be able to recognize the main Star Trek characters. Particularly from the Original Series. Going as a group makes you unmistakable. (Check out my Star Wars and Star Trek tutorials if you want to make your own)
Lord of the Rings

If fantasy is more your thing than sci-fi, try going as a Lord of the Rings group. It’s always fun running around dressed as wizards and elves. Since this is one of those fandoms that can be a little more difficult to recognize single characters from, it makes the perfect group cosplay to keep all the characters in context.
While someone might recognize your Legolas costume as an elf, they might not know you’re Legolas unless they see you standing with Gimli and Aragorn. Or if you’re going as Galadriel, people might mistake you as Zelda if you’re not with other Lord of the Rings characters. (This actually happened to my cousin at a convention).
You could also try similar fantasy costumes like a Game of Thrones group. Just be prepared to have a lot of comments about how disappointing the last few episodes were (because let’s face it, they were).
Ninja Turtles
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are such a group entity that they make the perfect choice for a group cosplay. Everyone just expects all four of the turtles to be together. So even if you just show up in green sweatsuits with appropriately colored bandanas, people will know who the four of you are supposed to be. And if you have additional people, you can add in April and Shredder. Or perhaps even Krang’s android body if you’re feeling especially adventurous!
Harry Potter

The classic Hogwarts robe, scar, and glasses is quickly recognizable even by non Potterheads. The fun of group cosplays, however, is that once you have the most recognizable character established, you can add the less recognizable characters into the group. Rita Skeeter, Professor Treylawny, and Colon Creevey with his camera might not be recognizable on their own. But stick them in a Harry Potter group cosplay and no one will have any trouble knowing who they are.
League of Legends
This is where group cosplay shines. Video game characters can often be a little more difficult to recognize than other fandoms. This is often due to the fact that they’re animated so some of the costumes defy reality. Going as a lone character you might not be recognizable, but at as group, any gamer will be able to recognize you.
Firefly is a difficult fandom to cosplay single characters from. Due to the fact that the characters wear fairly normal clothes, they can be hard to recognize alone. However, that same fact also makes it one of the best cosplay choices if you’re looking for something easy to start with. While the characters might not be recognized on their own, together as a group cosplay, they’re unmistakable! And Firefly is just a fun group cosplay in general because you get to run around with your friends swearing in Mandarin or saying everything is “shiny”. And as a bonus, most of the Firefly costumes can be made very inexpensively.
Disney Princesses

If you’ve got a group of female friends, or males who like to gender-bend or crossplay, the Disney princesses are a great group cosplay choice. There are enough Disney princesses that they can accommodate a fairly large group of people. And while the Disney princesses are generally recognizable on their own as single cosplays, they’re unmistakable as a group. Then of course there is the flip side. Instead of going as the Disney princesses, go as your favorite villains from those movies. Or if you have a very large group, maybe even mix the two!
If you want a cosplay group where everyone is recognizable, try the Batman fandom. Though Batman is part of the Justice League, his extended fandom probably has the most recognizable character. Thanks in part to the 60’s TV show, even non comic book fans can recognize the main character, his side kicks, and the more well-known villains. And since all the characters are so recognizable, you can definitely take a little artistic liberty to simplify them and still be totally recognizable in the group.
Now over to you. Leave me a comment below and let me know what some of your favorite group cosplays are.
By Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
The information provided on this website is for general information purposes only. If you choose to rely on the information on this website, you do so at your own risk and you assume responsibility for the results. (Full disclaimer here)
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