10 Reasons I Love Homeschooling

homeschoolingI was homeschooled as a child. And no, I was not ripped out of public school against my will and forced to homeschool, but rather I was given the opportunity to homeschool in fifth grade and I chose to do so. Here are my 10 favorite things I love about homeschooling.

1.) My siblings and I didn’t have to rush out of bed by 6:30 AM to make an early morning bus ride.

2.) We were allowed to play music while we were studying. – Nothing makes studying more enjoyable than doing it while listening to the The Rolling Stones’ Hot Rocks album.

3.) We didn’t have to sit for hours at a desk without moving. We could lie on the floor, sit at the table, stretch out across our beds, or lean into a soft arm chair while we did our studying. As a result, we retained more flexibility than many of our desk-bound peers.

4.) We could eat when we were hungry as opposed to having to wait for the alotted time.

5.) We could take days off for holidays, the first snow, or the spring planting. We didn’t have to follow the public school schedule.

6.) We weren’t in the “germ pool.” – When I started homeschooling, the number of colds I had during the winter dropped significantly.

7.) We could work at our own pace. If we were excited about the subject we were studying, we were allowed to keep going on it as long as we wanted. We weren’t forced to stop and go study something else. As such we would sometimes complete several years of one subject in a single season.

8.) We got to go on field trips while everyone else was in school. – It was always kind of fun being the only kids in a particular place.

9.) Peer pressure was basically non-existant. Even though most of our friends attended public school, we weren’t subjected to the peer pressure they experienced because we weren’t immersed in the competitive public school environment day in and day out.

10.) We never had to waste time getting to school; we were already there.

The thing to remember is that homeschooling is not something done only by those in religious cults. While there are a few fanatical parents who homeschool their children solely for the purpose of controlling every aspect of their lives, for the most part, homeschooling families are quite normal.

Contrary to what some people assume about homeschooled children, I never wanted to go back to public school. Nor did I ever feel like I was missing out on anything. Prom night? No thanks.

Copyright © Amber Reifsteck ~ The Woodland Elf

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The Woodland Elf

Hey there! I'm Amber, The Woodland Elf. I'm here to teach you how to make cool stuff without spending a lot of money on it. From kick-ass costumes and fun craft projects to off-the-grid living, and organic gardening tutorials, you can learn how to "DIY Your Life," and maybe even help make the planet a little greener in the process. I post new tips and tutorials every week, so check back often.

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