Apple Chips Recipe

Apple Chips recipe

Apple chips are an easy and tasty way to take advantage of the season’s bounty. They’re great for snacking!

Well, this being my first weekend since June without a farm market, I had a little more time than usual (not that there isn’t always something to do), so I decided to make some apple chips. I’d been dying to try them and they turned out being really easy, and REALLY tasty!

The Prep

Take a few apples and cut them into paper-thin (or thereabouts) slices. As far as apple type, I was just using the wild apples that grow in our woods. They’re sweet enough that they didn’t require any additional seasoning to make the apple chips, but I think any sweet apple variety would do.

Just for kicks I cut some of the apples vertically and some horizontally and found they work fine both ways. So no worries about which way you’re cutting them. You don’t have to remove the core. The strips will be thin enough that the seeds will pop out on their own as you’re cutting.

The Cooking

Lay the round slices out on a cookie sheet and preheat your oven to 250 degrees. If you don’t think your apples are sweet enough on their own, you can sprinkle a dash of cinnamon on them for added flavor. I did half of my apple chips with cinnamon, but found the ones without cinnamon were just as tasty.

When your oven has preheated, put the cookie sheet in and leave it to cook for about two hours. The thin slices of apple will begin to dry and shrivel up.

After two hours, the apple chips should seem somewhat crispy. Take out the cookie sheet and leave it to cool on top of the stove for a few minutes. The apple slices will harden just like potato chips, but with a delicious autumn apple flavor. Then enjoy!

By Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf

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The Woodland Elf

Hey there! I'm Amber, The Woodland Elf. I'm here to teach you how to make cool stuff without spending a lot of money on it. From kick-ass costumes and fun craft projects to off-the-grid living, and organic gardening tutorials, you can learn how to "DIY Your Life," and maybe even help make the planet a little greener in the process. I post new tips and tutorials every week, so check back often.

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