Category: Other

365 Days of Angel Prayers

365 Days of Angel Prayers

This fall I had the wonderful opportunity to join more than 160 amazing authors from all around the world for a collaborative book project; 365 Days of Angel Prayers.

Wednesdays With Gramma

Wednesdays With Gramma

Wednesdays, or rather Wednesday nights, have always been a very special time in my family.

10 Reasons I Love Homeschooling

10 Reasons I Love Homeschooling

I was homeschooled as a child. And no, I was not ripped out of public school against my will and forced to homeschool, but rather I was given the opportunity to homeschool in fifth...

Humanity and Technology

Albert Einstein once said that, “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” In a very short span of time we’ve gotten the internet, computers, cell phones, cell phones with...

You Really Believe That?

In a world of email, social media and digital camera phones, it is now easier than ever to keep tabs on what’s going on. We can share everything with our friends and family and...

The Hush of Winter

The Hush of Winter

The first real snow arrived here a few days ago, and with it comes the wonderous hush of winter. The distant cars on the roads are suddenly silenced, the woods are still and calm,...

Thanksgiving: A Three-day Event

Thanksgiving: A Three-day Event

I’m not sure anyone enjoys Thanksgiving as much as my family. For us it’s not just a dinner, it’s a three-day event. The Wednesday before thanksgiving, all the family members meet up at Gramma’s...