Cheap and Easy DIY Doctor Strange Sling Ring How To

In this week’s tutorial, I’ll show you how to make a cheap and easy DIY Doctor Strange sling ring.
5mm craft foam
2mm craft foam
2 flat plastic beads
2 smaller round plastic beads
Hot glue gun (or other type of glue)
White school glue
Black paint
Gold Metallic paint
This is a very easy sling ring to make, the base being just craft foam. A few beads with a little gold paint finish it off.
When applying the gold paint, be sure to use a dry brush and a light touch so some of the black paint in the under layer shows through. That’s what gives it the aged effect. I used craft foam for my sling ring because the edges are smoother, but you can also use cardboard as an alternative to foam.
This particular sling ring, is based on the one from the first movie, which was a simpler design. The ones in the latter movies got a bit more complicated. (If you want to make one of the more complicated versions, using puffy paint to add the details is an easy way to do it.)
If you missed any of my previous Doctor Strange tutorials, check them out at the following links:
DIY Doctor Strange Magic Circles
Eye of Agamotto
Belt, Boots, Wig
DIY Doctor Strange sling ring tutorial by Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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