DIY Mummy Dust Ancient Apothecary Jars Tutorial

In this week’s tutorial I’ll show you how to turn your trash into treasure by making a DIY mummy dust bottle. It’s a cheap and easy potion bottle project.
Empty bottle
Tissue paper
Tacky glue
Paint brushes
Plastic skull
Puffy Paint
White paint (Vintage white)
Brown packing paper scraps
Brown paint
Black thin-tip marker
Multi-surface glue
You can upcycle any old jar you have on hand for this project. It doesn’t matter whether it’s glass or plastic since they’ll all look the same once the aging technique is finished.
The ancient apothecary look is achieved with a little paper mache. You can use regular glue for it, but I chose to use tacky glue as it’s not as watery, so it takes less time to dry.
I’ll take you through the easy step-by-step process, using simple items that you probably already have on hand, to age those bottles into potions fit for any sorcerer’s cupboard. So grab those old bottles, and let’s start turning them into DIY mummy dust containers!
Video tutorial by Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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