DIY Spider Venom Bottle – Upcycling Old Jars Into Creepy Potions

Upcycle your old bottles into DIY spider venom jars to add a dash of creepy crawly goodness to your Halloween decor.
Empty bottle
Tissue paper
Tacky glue
Paint brushes
Matte black paint
Black paper scrap
Scraps of gold paper
Decorative Shears
White Puffy Paint
Plastic spider
Tiny plastic red gem
Bronze eyelet
Scrap of distressed fabric or other brown string
Black thin-tip marker
Multi-surface glue
My vet is a holistic practitioner, so we treat our pets with acupuncture and herbs. As such, I tend to have quite a few excess herb bottles. While most of them I wash and return to the vet so they can be reused, a few of them I save every now and again because of their perfect “potion bottle” shapes.
You can use any glass or plastic bottle for this DIY spider venom jar because the entire bottle will be covered in paper mache. The bottle underneath won’t show once the aging mache has been applied.
I added a tag to the bottle, rather than just writing the contents on the label to identify it. It seemed to add an extra touch of mystery to have just the spider on the main label.
I used a matte black for this bottle, instead of the metallic black I used on the vampire bottle, as I wanted this bottle to have a more ancient look. I ended up giving it a little red spot on it’s abdomen to hint of a black widow spider.
It’s not quite the traditional hour glass shape, but it’s enough to signal to our brains what it should be Choose whatever spider you want for your bottle identifier.
Video tutorial by Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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