Easy Homemade Christmas Decorations

If you’re short on time, but still want to do a little holiday DIYing, here are some quick and easy homemade Christmas decorations and ornaments you can make with items you might already have or can purchase for under $10.
Marbled ornament:
Fillable ornament
Two colors or more of paint
Popscicle snowflakes:
Popscicle sticks
Paint in your chosen colors
Pony beads
Plastic sequins
Snowmen Clothespins:
White paint, black paint, orange paint
Paint brushes
Scraps of rickrack
Black felt
The snowflakes are a great way to use up those popscicle sticks you’ve been saving since summer. (You have been saving your popscicle sticks right?).
The snowmen clothespins are a fun way to add a touch of cheer to your pantry.
And the swirl ornaments are a great project to do with the kids. (Kid of ALL ages that is π because watching those paint colors swirl into each other is just utterly satisfying for some reason). If your paint is too thick to swirl through the ornament, you can thin it by mixing in a little water. Just don’t over thin it, otherwise it won’t cover the plastic properly.
Interested in more DIY decor projects? Check out these homemade Christmas decorations from the archives:
Easy Pinecone decorations
Scrapbooking paper ornaments
Greenery swags
Pinecone wreath
Rustic Christmas star
Video tutorial by Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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