GMO Foods Need to Go Not Grow

GMO foodsHave you ever wondered what’s really in your food? GMO foods are a scary view of the future. A few years ago I attended a showing of the documentary The Future of Food. It’s something anyone who eats food (therefore everyone) should see.

The GMO/GE foods monopoly is taking away our freedom of choice when it comes to our food because in most places, GMO foods do not even have to labeled. The gene splicing between completely different species (a fish gene to give a longer shelf-life to a tomato for example) is often accomplished by inserting a bacteria or virus (often eccoli) into the plant to break down the cell wall and allow the insertion of a new species gene. Antibiotics are then inserted into the plant as well to be used as markers of the gene (and in a world where things like MRSA are already becoming resistant to antibiotics due to overuse, do we really want to be consuming antibiotics everyday in our food?)

A big problem of gene splicing is food allergies, as people can sometimes become fatally ill due to an allergic reaction to the unnatural genes inserted. If you eat a tomato with the fish gene and you’re allergic to fish, you could have an allergic reaction without ever knowing why, as the tomatoes would not be labeled as containing fish genes.

Anyone who’s researched GMO foods quickly learns that root of all evil in GMO is generally the company Monsanto, which is responsible for patenting and producing most of the GMO foods in the country. They’re also known for having members of their company resign from Monsanto, go to work for the FDA, approve something Monsanto is working on, and then leave the FDA and return to Monsanto. In essence, the only one determining whether Monsanto’s GMO foods are safe is Monsanto.GMO Foods

What’s more, the GMO foods outcross other varieties leaving farmers with no say in the matter. And when those varieties do outcross the non-GMO varieties, Monsanto is well known for suing the farmers for growing GMO foods without a license. Ridiculous considering the farmers being sued didn’t want the GMO seeds in the first place.

The greatest benefit GMO foods provide is filling the wallets of the companies that patent the genes. GMO foods do not have extra nutrition or better taste. Most of them do not produce higher yields. They are not even more resistant to drought or pests (in fact they are usually LESS resistant than non-GMO varieties of food).

Every other ingredient in food is mandated by law to be labeled; GMO’s should be too. It would give people a choice. Those who don’t care one way or the other are welcome to eat GMO foods, but those of us who don’t want to, should have that choice. Let’s rein in the freedom GMO companies have before GMO’s outcross the varieties that nature spent thousands of years perfecting. Before our biodiversity and rights as human beings are lost. Before our entire food supply is controlled by corporate giants like Monsanto whose only real concern is making money. Take a few hours some night and watch The Future of Food (check your local library for a copy) or visit
Copyright © Amber Reifsteck ~ The Woodland Elf

The information provided on this website is for general information purposes only. If you choose to rely on the information on this website, you do so at your own risk and you assume responsibility for the results. (Full disclaimer here)

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The Woodland Elf

Hey there! I'm Amber, The Woodland Elf. I'm here to teach you how to make cool stuff without spending a lot of money on it. From kick-ass costumes and fun craft projects to off-the-grid living, and organic gardening tutorials, you can learn how to "DIY Your Life," and maybe even help make the planet a little greener in the process. I post new tips and tutorials every week, so check back often.

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