Hand Poured Candles DIY Container Candle Making
DIY container candle making is one best way to learn basic candle making. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to make basic hand poured container candles.

Candle wax (I used AAK’s sustainably grown soy Golden Wax)
A double boiler or two pans (one for water, one for wax)
Candy thermometer for temperature
Fragrance oil or essential oil
Stirring stick
Square braid wicking
Cardboard with slits or wick holders
Piece of wire
Something to cover your floor or counters
When you’re first starting out, it’s best to use opaque containers for your candles. That way if there are any mistakes, they’re less likely to be seen, and much easier to cover up.
Once you’ve done a few pours and gotten the hang of it, then you can switch to clear glass for your DIY container candle making endeavors. Such containers will allow the wax to show through the side.
Later on this year I’ll also be doing a few tutorials for some advanced DIY container candle making projects. Those are best attempted after you’re comfortable with the basics I’ll be showing you in this tutorial.
Different Types Of Wax Have Different Pouring Temperatures
I used sustainably sourced soy wax for my container candles. If you use a different type of wax, be sure you look up proper pouring temperature for it. Also be sure to use a “container blend” of whatever type of wax you’re using, so it will adhere to the sides of the container without leaving gaps.
When it comes to wick size, the number of the wick is generally a good indicator as to what the diameter of the candle should be i.e. #0/1 wick would be used for 1 inch candles, #0/2 wick would be used for 2-inch candles, etc. You can also add evenly spaced, multiple wicks if your candle is larger than 3 inches to ensure a good burn.
Video tutorial by Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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