How To Make a Dried Celosia Wreath – Wreath Making – Dried Flower Wreath

In this week’s tutorial I’ll be showing you how to make a dried celosia wreath. Celosia is wonderful dried flower that is very easy to work with.
A straw wreath hoop (I used a 14″ hoop for mine)
60-80 stems of dried celosia (plumed coxcomb variety)
6-8 pieces of dried yarrow
A ball of yarn
Wreath wire
2 floral u-pins
There are several types of celosia. The most common type is flatter and has a lot scrunches in it that kind of looks like a fluffy brain. This type is known as coxcomb. (This kind was also in a vase on Rey’s table in Star Wars: The Force Awakens).
The pointy celosia, which I’ll be using in this wreath, is known as plumed coxcomb or silver coxcomb. I’ve never figured out the “silver” part of its name, as it doesn’t grow silver. The colors are generally red, pink, and gold.
Celosia is super easy to dry. You pretty much just the flowers and they dry without any effort. You can hang them, or even just spread them out on a table.
The colors will darken a bit as they dry, becoming a bit less “electric” in color, but maintaining beautiful hues nonetheless. They often have very autumn hues once they dry.
In this particular wreath, I embellished the celosia base with stems of yellow yarrow placed every few inches. The red of celosia makes the yellow yarrow pop beautifully.
An alternative is to skip the yarrow, and just mix red and gold celosia as I did on the wreath pictured below. Again the reds and gold give a hue of autumn, but the wreath does not have to be used as an autumn wreath.

Video tutorial by Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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