How to Make Fairy Wings

How to Make Fairy WingsIf you’ve ever wondered how to make fairy wings, it can be easily done with some wire and sheer material.

Start by taking some heavy gauge wire (I always recycle old bailing wire for fairy wings, so something about the same thickness as that). Form your wing shapes out of the wire. You’ll form them in pieces. Think of the four sections that go to make up a butterfly’s wings. You’ll make yours the same way, make two identical pieces for the tops of the wings, and two identical pieces for the bottoms (or more if you want triple layer wings.)

Then get some some pretty, sheer fabric. You want a nice fairy-like pattern on it, but make sure it’s sheer enough to see through as those types of fabrics generally make the most realistically convincing fairy wings. Lay your wire wing pieces onto the fabric, and cut out pieces of the fabric the same shape as the wing, making the fabric pieces and inch larger than the wire on all sides.

Next, doing one wing piece at a time, lay your fabric down and lay your wire wing on top of it. Thread a needle with some heavy thread. Then fold a section of the extra inch of fabric around the wire wing. You don’t have to wrap it, just fold it over; you’ll be cutting off the excess later. Then taking your needle start sewing the thread in circles around the fabric covered wire. Keep the thread tight around the wire, so the fabric won’t be able to slide up and down very easily.

You’ll sew the the fabric to wire in that manner all the way around the wing. It’s quite time-consuming, but it makes very pretty wings. As you’re sewing, you’ll also want to make sure that your fabric remains taut, especially when you start doing the other side the wing. Keep adjusting as your go until you have the fabric sewn to the entire wing.

Once you have your fabric sewn to the wire all the way around, trim off any excess fabric from the folding. Trim it close to the seam line, but be sure not to get too close that you cut the thread. Then do the same thin to your other three wing pieces to end up with four complete wing pieces.

Next take the two top wing pieces, lay them, and slide them together, so their side touch the way you want them to on the finished wings. Then take some more heavy thread, and sew the wire together where they touch. Sew them tightly around the wires, going right through the fabric. Then do the same thing to the two bottom wing pieces, sewing them tightly together.

Next lay the two bottom wings pieces (now one piece sewn together) and down, and lay the top section over them, so they they just slightly overlap the bottom section about 3 inches. Then going back to your heavy thread, sew the sections tightly together around the wires (going right through the fabrics) to make one large pair of fairy wings. If need some extra stability, cover a few sticks with fabric, and sew them to the wings.

Finally, sew two ribbons to the center of the set of wings. To wear the wings, you’ll run one of the ribbons over each of your shoulders, bring them down behind your back, and tie them off under the wings. The wings will hide view of the tied ribbons. And that is how to make fairy wings.

By Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf

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The Woodland Elf

Hey there! I'm Amber, The Woodland Elf. I'm here to teach you how to make cool stuff without spending a lot of money on it. From kick-ass costumes and fun craft projects to off-the-grid living, and organic gardening tutorials, you can learn how to "DIY Your Life," and maybe even help make the planet a little greener in the process. I post new tips and tutorials every week, so check back often.

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