How To Cope With Social Distancing

How to Cope With Social Distancing

So we’re all supposed to be keeping away from people physically, and some people are having a little trouble with it. But the trick to cope with social distancing is not to think of it as isolation, but rather think of it as an opportunity to do some of the things you don’t normally have time for.

I’ll admit I actually don’t have much trouble social distancing. As an introvert, I’ll often go a few weeks in between getting together with friends. And since I generally work from home this time of year anyway, my coworkers usually consist of my brother and my cats. So honestly, it’s been a fairly typical couple weeks for me.

However, a lot of people who are used to going out with their friends a lot or seeing their coworkers every day, are finding it a bit lonely to be home. So if you find yourself falling into those feelings, here are a few ideas to help keep you from going stir-crazy so you can survive this bout of social distancing.

Create Something

10 Things Every Crafter Should Keep on Hand

If you follow my youtube channel, then you probably already have some interest in crafting or cosplaying. And what better time to work on those projects than now, when you’re stuck at home? (With all the conventions being postponed, this is the first time a cosplayer can truthfully say “Oh, I have plenty of time to work on my costume” πŸ˜‰)

The internet is loaded with project ideas that you can do from home, so pick out a few and get creating! Obviously try to choose projects that can be done with materials you already have at home, so you don’t have to go out shopping. If you find you’re missing something, try altering it or taking a little “artistic liberty” like changing the required shapes or colors of whatever you’re working on.

Find Yourself

Last Minute Halloween Costumes - Super Easy DIY Wii Fit Trainer Costume

This is also a great opportunity to get a little extra rest (good for the immune system) and take a little time to get in touch with yourself. Maybe do a little meditating. Take that online yoga class or cardio workout. Not only are they good for your mental health, but the physical exercise gives your body better protection against getting sick.

If you live in the country take the opportunity to get some fresh air walking around your backyard. If there are meadows, woods, or streams near you, take a long, contemplative nature walk. As long as there aren’t any other people around, you won’t have to worry about infecting anyone, or being infected.

Tackle That Projects To-Do List

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If you’ve been meaning to fix that squeaky door or screw that refrigerator handle on tighter, now is the perfect time to do that. Give your house that thorough spring cleaning. Start your garden for the year, or at least plan it out and get your seeds ordered.

It’s also a great time to learn new skills or improve existing ones. Hone those culinary talents and cook up a nice meal for your family. Learn how to sew and mend that pile of clothes that has been sitting there too long. Pick up that dusty guitar and finally learn a few chords. Or use an online language program to learn that second language you’ve been meaning to study.

Entertainment Is Endless

How to Survive Social Distancing

When it comes to entertainment, we’re lucky enough to be living in an era when we have a practically endless source of various entertainment forms right at our fingertips. We got our music on radio, Spotify, MP3’s, CD’s, vinyl, cassette tapes (I’m not the only who’s still got all my old mix tapes right?). A lot of musicians, both famous and local are even doing local concerts right from their living rooms that you can tune into.

There are books and ebooks you can read. There are podcasts you can listen to. There are movies and Netflix. You can binge watch your favorite TV series, or do a movie marathon. (And if you want to multi-task, mending is a great thing you can do during those movie marathons or podcasts).

You can play video games. And the great thing about video games is that the modern systems let you connect with other players. So you don’t even to play alone. You can connect with your friends and challenge them during gaming sessions.

Stay Connected

The most important thing to remember is that just because we can’t connect with each other physically, doesn’t mean we have to be completely isolated. We live in the most interconnected era in history. Let’s take advantage of it.

Pick up your phone and give someone a call. Send a text or an email. As mentioned above, play a video game with someone over the internet. Have a Skype or Facetime video session with a friend. Connect on social media. It’s probably one of the few times you’ll allow yourself to blow hours on your social feed guilt-free, so take advantage of it.

Of course, you will get bored if you try to do one thing for the entire duration of the social distancing period, so be sure to change it up. Intersperse your social connecting with housecleaning. Your reading or movie watching with a workout etc. By changing it up, you’ll keep yourself from getting bored.

Us Young Folks Need To Stay Home Too

The importance of doing nothing

It is so important to continue with the social distancing, because the more we distance ourselves now, the faster things will get back to normal. The virus can’t spread on its own, it needs us to spread it, so if we’re not gathering with each other, it’ll fizzle out faster.

And for those of you who might be in my age group, it’s just as important for us young people to stay home. Even if you’re not worried about contracting the coronavirus yourself, you could still pick it up and make someone else sick. Or transmit it to a surface where someone else will pick it up. Even if you’re not sick, you could be spreading it and never even know it.

The best thing to do is just stay home, and let this pass. It’s not gonna last forever, it will pass, and the more we distance ourselves, the faster things will get back to normal. So stay home, and stay healthy, and I’ll see you Thursday with another project tutorial to help curb your boredom while you’re stuck at home.

By Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf

The information provided on this website is for general information purposes only. If you choose to rely on the information on this website, you do so at your own risk and you assume responsibility for the results. (Full disclaimer here)

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The Woodland Elf

Hey there! I'm Amber, The Woodland Elf. I'm here to teach you how to make cool stuff without spending a lot of money on it. From kick-ass costumes and fun craft projects to off-the-grid living, and organic gardening tutorials, you can learn how to "DIY Your Life," and maybe even help make the planet a little greener in the process. I post new tips and tutorials every week, so check back often.

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