Natural Makeup: Burt’s Bees Lip Crayon

Natural Makeup: Burt's Bees Lip CrayonWhen I find something I really like, especially if it’s healthy or eco-friendly, I’m apt to shout it from the rooftops. So here’s a little bit about some natural makeup I recently stumbled on: The Burt’s Bees lip crayon.

I’m usually pretty happy with my face the way it is (well, except for maybe those few weeks last summer when my eyes were all black and blue after my brother accidentally broke my face, lol) so I really never wear makeup for anything other than cosplay. (I don’t like the feel of it, and most importantly I don’t like all the nasty chemicals in it). As such I generally don’t have a lot of makeup lying around. And while that doesn’t matter for everyday, it does present a bit of a problem when it’s time to do makeup for a costume.

Certain costumes do require makeup in order to achieve the transformation into the character (let’s face it, Spock without upturned eyebrows just wouldn’t be Spock), so that generally leaves me in need of makeup. Sure, I could just go down to the local beauty store and pick up whatever I needed, but the list of ingredients in the makeup usually makes me nauseous. They sound more like something a person should be fueling jets with, rather than applying to their face. So, I generally search (or experiment) for some kind of alternative, more natural makeup.

Most recently, I needed makeup to go with my Maleficent costume. I was kind of leaning toward the Angelina Jolie look, and it really needed the red lips and black eye shadow to make the evil look work. So I began searching for some type of natural makeup substitute I could use as red lipstick.

Initially I tried taking a little natural lip balm and mixing it with some red food coloring, but the results were pretty much disastrous. There were basically only two grades to the recipe: too much, or too little. Too little food coloring, and the lip balm was still invisible. Too much, and the lip balm would change my lip color, but then it didn’t come off for several days either. There seemed to be no happy medium, so I kind of gave up on the whole thing (hence the no makeup on at the end of the costume tutorial).

Then, a little while later, I just happened to come across some Burt’s Bees Lip Crayons on Amazon. I was already familiar with Burt’s Bees lip balm, as it was what I’d been using to experiment with the food coloring while trying to create my own natural makeup lipstick, and I knew that the ingredients in it were good (things like beeswax, coconut, and canola oil – ingredients I didn’t freak out about putting on my lips). So I decided to go ahead and check the ingredients on the lip crayon, hoping they be as recognizable as the ones in the lip balm.

I was thrilled to find they were. In fact the ingredients in the lip crayon were very similar to those in the lip balm, with the addition of some clay or minerals for hue, depending on the color choice. Ingredients I felt much safer about putting on my lips than anything I had seen in the beauty store.

Each lip crayon was about $8. (I don’t buy lipstick normally, so I don’t know whether that’s expensive compared to regular lipstick or not, but since they were real ingredients, it seemed like a pretty reasonable price to me.) It’s a decent size crayon too, bigger than most lipstick tubes I think, and if you’re someone like me who only wears makeup a couple time a year, it’ll last pretty much forever, so $8 for natural makeup seemed like a pretty good price to me.

I chose the Napa Vineyard color because it looked to be the darkest red color. After applying it, it ended up being the perfect shade for my Maleficent lips. Unlike my food coloring experiments, when I was ready to go back to being me, the lip crayon came off my lips pretty easily with a little water and rubbing. Definitely something I would recommend for anyone looking for an affordable, natural makeup alternative the normally synthetic, chemically filled lipsticks sold in stores.

Natural Makeup: Burt's Bees Lip CrayonAnd here is what the color of my Maleficent lips looked like after using the Burt’s Bees crayon (Yeah, yeah, I know, a little sloppy, but it was my first time ever applying lipstick)

Copyright Β© Amber Reifsteck ~ The Woodland Elf

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The Woodland Elf

Hey there! I'm Amber, The Woodland Elf. I'm here to teach you how to make cool stuff without spending a lot of money on it. From kick-ass costumes and fun craft projects to off-the-grid living, and organic gardening tutorials, you can learn how to "DIY Your Life," and maybe even help make the planet a little greener in the process. I post new tips and tutorials every week, so check back often.

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