Plo Koon – DIY Plo Koon Lightsaber (Cardboard) Star Wars (Luminara Unduli)

Some silver foil and a little craft foam can easily turn a plain cardboard tube into a striking DIY Plo Koon lightsaber.
Cardboard tube – (cut to 11) inches
Black Metallic paint
2mm craft foam
Silver adhesive foil
2 red beads
2 black beads
Utility knife
Multi surface glue
The fun part about this lightsaber is that you basically get two tutorials in one. You can use this tutorial to make a DIY Plo Koon lightsaber or you can use it as a Luminara Unduli lightsaber just by changing the color of the bottom prongs to gold.
I used silver adhesive foil on my lightsaber for convenience, but you can also just use aluminum foil if you prefer. You’ll just have to glue it on, since aluminum foil doesn’t come pre-sticky.
There aren’t too many fancy details on this lightsaber so it’s cheap and easy to make. While it can be a bit time consuming to cut out all the thin pieces of foam, the finished effect is well worth it.
Video tutorial by Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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