Raw Honey Benefits

Raw Honey BenefitsStore-bought honey is usually pasteurized, which destroys many of the benefits of honey. However, home-grown or local farm market honey is loaded with raw honey benefits.

One of the greatest local raw honey benefits is the relief it brings to seasonal allergy sufferers. While Mary Poppins may have prescribed a daily spoonful of sugar, a daily spoonful of raw honey would be a better idea. Because the honey has bits of local pollen in it, is helps a person build up immunity to that pollen when they regularly ingest it. Depending on whether they have spring or fall allergies, a person can consume local honey that was harvested during that season, helping them build up immunity to that season’s allergies. You can easily get your daily honey fix by adding a spoonful of raw honey to an afternoon cup of tea.

Raw honey is loaded with flavonoids and antioxidants which help prevent cancer and heart disease. It can relieve coughing, colds, and sore throats. Raw honey benefits the digestive system as it works like a probiotic and it can also help prevent ulcers. Regularly consuming raw honey can also help decrease high blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as relieving some of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

The raw honey benefits don’t stop at just internal use either. It has many topical applications as well. Raw honey is antibacterial so it can be used to treat and heal burns and wounds. It can decrease rashes and even treat acne spots. Honey has rejuvenating affects on the skin as well. Most people are familiar with Cleopatra’s famous milk and honey baths that were rumored to be the reason for her beautiful skin.


The information provided on this website is merely opinion. I am not a medical doctor or a scientist and this information should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your own doctor for medical advice. The information on this website is intended for informational purposes only. The information on this website should not be used for treatment or medical diagnosis. Always seek professional medical advice from your doctor before beginning any new practices.

Copyright Β© Amber Reifsteck ~ The Woodland Elf

The information provided on this website is for general information purposes only. If you choose to rely on the information on this website, you do so at your own risk and you assume responsibility for the results. (Full disclaimer here)

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The Woodland Elf

Hey there! I'm Amber, The Woodland Elf. I'm here to teach you how to make cool stuff without spending a lot of money on it. From kick-ass costumes and fun craft projects to off-the-grid living, and organic gardening tutorials, you can learn how to "DIY Your Life," and maybe even help make the planet a little greener in the process. I post new tips and tutorials every week, so check back often.

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