Say No to Puppy Mills, Adopt a Shelter Pet

Say No to Puppy Mills, Adopt a Shelter PetMany people support puppy mills without even knowing it. You can help stop puppy mills, however, by choosing to adopt a shelter pet instead.

Puppy mill are horrible places where dogs are raised as a cash crop. Often puppy mills are overcrowded with dogs living in poor conditions. The puppies at these mills are taken from their mothers at the earliest stage possible and then the mother are bred right away again. It’s an extremely cruel way to treat animals, and many people are unknowingly supporting this terrible practice.

Many pet shops are supplied by puppy mills. In buying dogs from pet shops, people are inadvertently supporting the puppy mills and continuing the viscous cycle. There is, however, a solution. Instead of buying a new pet from a pet shop, adopt a shelter pet instead.

Puppy mills are not only cruel, they are completely unnecessary when there are so many animals waiting in shelters to be adopted. Some people will argue that they don’t want a shelter pet because they want a puppy or pure breed. The truth is there are many puppies as well as purebred dogs in shelters too. I once read that 25% of shelter pet dogs are purebred.

By adopting a shelter pet, you’ll not only be saying no to puppy mills, you’ll probably be saving the life of the animal you adopt. Many shelters are over crowded due to the number of animals that are abandoned or brought in. If the animals aren’t adopted out within a certain amount of time, they are sometimes put to death. By adopting such a shelter pet, you save it from euthanization and refrain from supporting puppy mill practices.

On my own farm we have become a sort of home for wayward animals. All of our critters are either shelter pets, strays, or animals that needed a place to go because their owners couldn’t take care of them anymore. We’ve taken in cats, dogs, cows, horses, and even chickens who were past their prime (I think the animals around here tell their friends that we’re suckers for strays). And I’ll never forget our shelter dog Ariel.

We were without a dog at the time, so we went to the pound to look at the animals there. As we walked down the rows of hopeful animals, one blonde dog stood up against her fence. She managed to open her door and walk out to us. We knew then and there that she was going home with us. We adopted her and brought her home naming her Ariel (everybody thought she was named after the Little Mermaid, but she was actually named after a type of motorcycle my dad liked.) Ariel was smart as whip and the best woodchuck hunter we ever had. There was never a critter gnawing on our crops when Ariel was around.

So the next time you decide to adopt a companion animal, make it a shelter pet. Save a life and say no to the puppy mills.

Copyright © Amber Reifsteck ~ The Woodland Elf

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The Woodland Elf

Hey there! I'm Amber, The Woodland Elf. I'm here to teach you how to make cool stuff without spending a lot of money on it. From kick-ass costumes and fun craft projects to off-the-grid living, and organic gardening tutorials, you can learn how to "DIY Your Life," and maybe even help make the planet a little greener in the process. I post new tips and tutorials every week, so check back often.

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