Wheat Weaving Tutorial: Head Wreath / Crown
Had a request for a wheat weaving head wreath tutorial.

Wheat straws (amount will depend on the size of your head and the size of the wheat, but generally somewhere around 40-50 straws)
White thread
Container of warm water for soaking straws
Wheat head wreaths or crowns are a very traditional symbol. Depending on the culture, they were worn by unmarried women, harvest queens, brides, or by those seeking luck.
A head wreath is a very simple wheat weaving, consisting mainly of a “hair braid” type of weaving, that involves weaving additional stems into the braid. It’s a fairly easy one to master, though it helps if you’ve had a little wheat weaving practice before attempting it.
(If you’ve never woven with wheat before, click here to learn the basics of wheat weaving)
Video tutorial by Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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