A Walking Meditation Sets Up a Better Day
A morning walk in the woods is almost like a walking meditation. It can help keep you relax and be more productive throughout the day.
I’m not really one for morning routines. While I like the idea of morning routines to get you inspired for your work, I just think they take too long. Everyone is different. While some people get a lot of benefit out of morning routines, I prefer to work first. Morning routines often take a while to complete and leave me feeling like I’ve spent too much time getting nothing really accomplished. Again, everyone is different. Morning routines do work for some people, they just don’t work well for me.
One thing I do put into practice every morning, however, is a walk in the woods. It’s not as in depth as a morning routine, there aren’t a lot of pieces or tasks that go into it. It’s just a simple morning walk in the woods, but it makes my entire day run so much better. It is essentially a walking meditation.
Walking Meditation Is Forest Bathing
The Japanese call it “Forest Bathing,” a way of unwinding and connecting with nature. It can be done any time of the day, and is especially helpful after a stressful day, but I’ve found that using it as my morning walking meditation has great benefits as well.
A walking meditation allows me to start my day relaxed, which makes me less likely to get stressed throughout the day. (Seriously, I stress out much faster if I haven’t had my morning woodland walk). It also allows me to “get my thoughts in order,” so to speak. To examine any of those random thoughts popping around in my head and “organize” them to a certain extent. That in turn allows me to focus on the work I have coming up, and further inspires my creativity.
This walking meditation can benefit everyone, not just those in creative fields. Who wouldn’t want to start their day more relaxed? It’s simple to reap the benefits of this type of walking meditation, as it doesn’t matter what you think about, or if you even think at all. Basically the only requirement is that you actually do it. Take that morning walk and let nature do the rest. You might be surprised by how much your productivity increases, no matter what field of work you’re in. And if you really want to enhance the benefit, try it barefoot!
The information provided on this website is merely opinion. I am not a medical doctor or a scientist and this information should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your own doctor for medical advice. The information on this website is intended for informational purposes only. The information on this website should not be used for treatment or medical diagnosis. Always seek professional medical advice from your doctor before beginning any new practices.
Written by Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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