The Woodland Elf Blog

How to Sew a Button

How to Sew a Button

Learning how to sew a button is a skill that always comes in handy, both for crafting and cosplaying. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to sew on a few different types of...

How to Make a Witch Hat

How to Make a Witch Hat

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to make a witch hat, just perfect for a Halloween costume. It’s fairly simple to make and is a perfect base hat for your own creative touches.

How to Clean With Vinegar

How to Clean With Vinegar

If you’re looking for a non-toxic, fairly inexpensive household cleaner, learning how to clean vinegar is a great place to start. MATERIALS USED: Apple cider vinegar Since vinegar is a food product, vinegar is...

Raw Milk Soap

What Type of Soap Should You Make?

Washing with a bar of handmade soap is truly an experience. While mass-produced, store bought soaps often dry the skin, handmade soaps moisturize it. Pleasant scents and colors, often with bits of plant matter...