Captain America Costume DIY (Explanation)
In this tutorial I’ll show you how I made my DIY Captain America costume. I’d had several requests for this costume, but Captain America was one I made quite a while ago, before I was doing tutorials. So this is more of an explanation than an actual tutorial, since it’s already made.

Second hand pair of boots
Red paint
Red vinyl
2 blue shirts
1 foot of white broadcloth
1 foot of red broadcloth
1 food silver foil fabric
Second hand pair of blue pants
2 short zippers
Hot glue gun
Needle and thread
2 scrap pieces of white fabric
Pellon long enough to go around your waist as a belt
1 snap
Cardboard scraps
Velcro (for bracers)
Pair of red gloves
This DIY Captain America costume is based on the one he wore in The Avengers, and also in Avengers Endgame during the time traveling scenes. All the base pieces came from a second hand shop, so it’s cheap and easy to make. I will eventually do a mask tutorial for Cap, but don’t have one yet. With everything being closed to coronavirus while I was filming this, I wasn’t able to get supplies to make one.
At the time we used this costume, my brother had made a pepakura mask (which later got repainted as the Flash mask). So for the end of this video I just used a cheap plastic half-mask I’d won in a costume contest. But a real mask tutorial will be coming at some point. The boots I used for this costume are the same ones I used for Superman.
And if you need a shield to complete your DIY Captain America costume, I have a tutorial for that here. And also a tutorial for the Wakandan arm shield he later gets here.
Video tutorial by Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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