Easy Craft Room Organization Tips

Whether you’re a crafter, a cosplayer, or both, one thing that makes life easier is having an organized work room.

Easy Craft Room Organization Tips

For some of us, our “workrooms” are just a corner of some room in our house (two corners of my bedroom make up my “craft room”). For others, they have a entire room dedicated just to the process of creating. Either way, organization makes things go so much faster. If you’re not wasting time searching for the items you need to craft with, you have more time to spend on the project you’re actually creating.

Bottle the Little Things

Tiny things like snaps, beads, and grommets, have a tendency to spread if they’re not Easy Craft Room Organization Tipscontained. The packaging they come in is usually non-resealable plastic, and they know how to escape from it once it’s opened. To keep them in their place, put them in small containers. Used spice jars or old film containers are just perfect for holding all those little odds and ends. You can even decorate them cutely with stray pieces of rickrack, etc. Glue a sample what the container holds onto the lid, or write on it with a marker, so you’ll always know exactly what you’re grabbing when you need it.

Labels Are Lifesavers

Labels are one of the most underrated things in life. Sure you know where everything is in your closet…at least until you need that one item that doesn’t get used very often, and now that you need it, you can’t remember for the life of you where you put it. Labels eliminate that problem. Label everything you have on a particular shelf or drawer so you’ll always know exactly where everything is, exactly when you need it. Your labels can be as simple as a piece of masking tape written with a sharpie, or something that comes in cute shapes. I like using chalkboard labels and markers on my drawers because they look tidy, and they’re erasable with water. So if I use up something I had in a particular drawer, and decide to fill it with something else, I can just erase the label and write the new contents on it. Easy!

Choose Favorites

They say you shouldn’t play favorites, but when it comes to crafting implements, by all means, choose favorites. Prioritize your crafting closet or cupboards so that the items you use most often are most accessible. If you feel that no project is finished until it’s been doused in glitter, keep your glitter toward the front of the cupboard. If you only break out the knitting needles once or twice a year, maybe let them take up some of the space in the back of cupboard.

Pull Out Shelving

Pull out shelving makes life even easier, because you pretty much eliminate the “back of the cupboard” area. Even though you might be able to fit everything neatly on shelf, it can still be hard to reach those far back items. However, if you have pull out shelves, you just bring the back of the shelf to you. Easy, time saving, and no danger of knocking over that one bottle of paint you didn’t close tightly enough…

Easy Craft Room Organization TipsBinders

Of course you’ll need a place to store all those ideas you have (you didn’t just spend 3 hours on Pinterest for nothing after all…). 3 ring binders are a handy place to store all those miscellaneous craft patterns, project ideas, and instruction manuals that you end up with in the process of your crafting endeavors. They look nicer than a shaggy pile of papers just setting around, and it makes it a lot easier to find that specific project when you’re looking for it. Alphabetizing it gives you even quicker access. If you find you have too many ideas for one binder, you can also allot specific binders to certain categories. You might have one for quilting, one for costume making, one for knitting, etc. depending on whatever your particular creation tastes are.

What are some of the ways you organize your work area? Let me know in the comment below.

By Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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The Woodland Elf

Hey there! I'm Amber, The Woodland Elf. I'm here to teach you how to make cool stuff without spending a lot of money on it. From kick-ass costumes and fun craft projects to off-the-grid living, and organic gardening tutorials, you can learn how to "DIY Your Life," and maybe even help make the planet a little greener in the process. I post new tips and tutorials every week, so check back often.

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