Easy DIY Rainbow Soap For St. Patrick’s Day (Melt and pour)

These little rainbow soaps are super easy to make using safe melt and pour soap.

Easy DIY Rainbow Soap For St. Patrick's Day (Melt and pour)

Opaque melt and pour soap base
Stove or hotplate (some melt and pour bases are also microwavable)
Melting pan
Knife (for cutting the finished bars)
Small bread loaf pan (Here’s the link to the silicon one I use)
Rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle
Essential oils in your chosen scents
Soap colorants: red, yellow, blue (and then mix the primary colors to get green, purple, and orange) (Or try the homemade dandelion soap dye recipe)

These little rainbow soaps are perfect for adding a Leprechaun type touch to your home for St. Patrick’s day. (Or if you’re not into Leprechauns, if you celebrate Pride Week, you could also use them for that instead – they’re versatile.)

Once you get the initial layer made, you just repeat the steps for the other layers until you have an entire rainbow soap loaf. Then slice it into smaller bars. You can usually get 9 or 10 bars out of one of those mini loafs. I generally use one those silicon mini bread loaf pans because they’re so much easier to get the soap bars out of – you’ll save yourself a lot of frustration if you use one.

Most of my dyes are homemade, so I don’t get the deeper colors, but if you use store-bought dyes you might be able to achieve them. However, some of the store bought dyes have undesirable ingredients in them, so read your labels.

Thus far my yellow dye is the only one I have online. I don’t have the rest of my dye recipes online yet, but I’m hoping to get them up in the near future. Until then, hope you enjoy making these rainbow soaps, and Happy St. Patrick’s day. (And yeah, I know, my Leprechaun accent isn’t very convincing, but hey, it’s fun).

Video tutorial by Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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The Woodland Elf

Hey there! I'm Amber, The Woodland Elf. I'm here to teach you how to make cool stuff without spending a lot of money on it. From kick-ass costumes and fun craft projects to off-the-grid living, and organic gardening tutorials, you can learn how to "DIY Your Life," and maybe even help make the planet a little greener in the process. I post new tips and tutorials every week, so check back often.

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