Ezra Bridger Lightsaber DIY (Blaster Saber hybrid) – Star Wars Rebels – Cheap & Easy Cardboard

Ezra Bridger Lightsaber DIY (Blaster Saber hybrid) - Star Wars Rebels - Cheap & Easy Cardboard

A little cardboard and some craft foam scraps can you get a cheap and easy Ezra Bridger Lightsaber DIY. In this week’s tutorial, I’ll show you how to build that unique hybrid saber hilt.

Ezra Bridger Lightsaber Template (available free in my patterns vault)
Cardboard tube (8 inches long)
2mm craft foam
5mm craft foam scrap
Silver adhesive foil
Scraps of gold or copper adhesive foil
Metallic black paint
Teal paint
Clear varnish *optional
Black electrical tape (optional)
White school glue
Multi surface glue
Hot glue gun
Bottle cap big enough to fit over the tube
Small black bead
Large square bead
Plastic silver button
Plastic red bead
3 plastic silver beads
Cardboard scraps
Cardstock scraps
Scissors (optionally use duct tape scissors for easier cutting of sticky foil)

The first Ezra Bridger lightsaber from Star Wars Rebels was both a lightsaber and a blaster. It was as unconventional as Ezra’s journey to becoming a Jedi was.

Most of the pieces on this lightsaber are easy to draw freehand, or I do have a template list above for some of the difficult shaped pieces. You may need to adjust their size depending on the diameter of your cardboard tube. (My tube was 1.5 inches in diameter).

The “gold” strip that I put at the top of the saber, was actually copper on the Ezra Bridger lightsaber, but I chose to make it gold on mine, since I already had a lot of scraps of gold foil. If you want more authenticity, use copper foil. You can also just use copper paint as an alternative.

The copper wire I used came from inside an old phone cord I had saved a few years ago. Have I mentioned I save everything for future propmaking? πŸ˜‰

Ezra Bridger Lightsaber DIY Video tutorial by Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf
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The Woodland Elf

Hey there! I'm Amber, The Woodland Elf. I'm here to teach you how to make cool stuff without spending a lot of money on it. From kick-ass costumes and fun craft projects to off-the-grid living, and organic gardening tutorials, you can learn how to "DIY Your Life," and maybe even help make the planet a little greener in the process. I post new tips and tutorials every week, so check back often.

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